Center for Safe Schools Offers Supports for School Mental Health and Safety and Security Grants

Center for Safe Schools welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you on your 2022-23 School Mental Health and Safety and Security Grants according to your individual needs and offers the following related services:

  • Act 44 Approved Safety and Security Assessments to identify the individual needs for products or services related to this grant.
  • Behavioral Threat Assessment (CSTAG).
  • In-person and virtual professional development for administrators, teachers and staff.
    • Emergency Operations Planning.
    • De-escalation.
    • Bus Safety.
    • Violent Intruder Survival.
    • Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools.
    • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Best Practices.
    • Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship.
    • Improving School Climate/Culture.
    • Bullying Prevention.
    • Mindfulness.
    • Self-Care for Adults.
  • Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid.
  • Suicide Prevention.
  • I Can Problem Solve Training and Consultation Services.
  • Belonging, Equity and Inclusion.
  • Program Evaluation Data Analysis.
  • Customized Presentations.

Other Center for Schools and Communities initiatives, such as Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network and Center for the Promotion of Social and Emotional Learning can provide resources and services for inclusion in your grant. Services include coordination with evidence-based afterschool programs, social and emotional learning training, and cultural competence and equity training.