Contact CSS to discuss how our services can benefit you.

Services to meet your needs

Center for Safe Schools (CSS) at Center for Schools and Communities (CSC) has served as a resource for educators, parents, law enforcement and others on school safety, bullying prevention and youth violence prevention for more than two decades.

CSS is committed to provide schools with resources, training and technical assistance to create and maintain safe, productive learning environments. Through our expert staff and network of state and national researchers and practitioners, CSS provides schools and their partner organizations customized services including, but not limited to, developing and practicing emergency management and crisis response plans, creating positive school environments, implementing evidence-based trainings, and establishing proactive safety measures in partnership with law enforcement and other community entities to address local needs.

Physical and Behavioral Health/Climate Assessments

Center for Safe Schools has physical and behavioral health/climate assessors on staff.

CSS assessors’ duty and responsibility is to undertake an assessment of a school building in light of the criteria and produce a report indicating how the school might strive to meet the best practices. Two separate assessments exist, a physical assessment and a behavioral health/climate assessment.

CSS assessment package includes:

  • Ongoing technical support before and after the assessment
  • Easy to understand final assessment reports and recommendations
  • The option to choose professional development opportunities tailored to your needs
  • Confidence in knowing your requirements has been met

Behavioral Health/School Climate Assessments

CSS will examine your school building through a behavioral health and school climate lens. Assessors will use standard criteria to get a feel of what it is like to be a student, staff member, and community member at your school.  These criteria are meant to give guidance regarding best practices in establishing a safe and secure school climate.

CSS assessors will:

  • Assess arrival and dismissal practices
  • Walk through and around your building
  • Interview staff and students (optional). Virtual options are available for busy educators!
  • Examine policies and procedures related to bullying prevention, behavioral health, and threat assessment
  • Analyze school climate or staff satisfaction data
  • Provide a thorough report with actionable recommendations

Estimated Cost for Assessments

Please note: Travel for the assessor is not included in the estimates below. Please contact us for a detailed estimate.

Number of Students Minimum Cost Maximum Cost
50-350 $2,800 $2,900
351-999 $3,000 $3,400
1,000-2,000 $3,500 $3,800
2,001+ $3,900 $4,500

Technical Assistance

Center for Safe Schools (CSS) has a wide range of expertise from emergency management to school climate. From one-time assistance to ongoing evidence-based programs, we are here to help your school or organization. Areas of staff specialization include, but are not limited to:


  • Creating Effective Memoranda of Understanding
  • Creating Effective School-Law Enforcement Partnerships
  • Creating Effective School Safety Policy and Practice
  • Evidence-Based Programs
  • School Culture and District-Wide Responses

Bullying Prevention

  • Advising on policy development, based on best practice as well as adherence to state law, which requires Pennsylvania schools to have a bullying prevention policy and provide annual training for students and staff
  • Certified Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Trainers on staff
  • Creating strategies to engage parents as integral partners and methods to build positive connections within the school and community
  • Management of Statewide Trainer Network
  • Middle School Bullying Prevention Toolkit
  • Pennsylvania Bullying Prevention Toolkit
  • Providing guidance in establishing bullying prevention committees
  • Specialized Bullying Prevention Trainings

Prevention Strategies

  • Suicide Awareness and Prevention – Lifelines
  • Teen Dating Violence Prevention – Safe Dates
  • Violence Prevention Community and School Partnerships

Districtwide Emergency Planning and Preparedness

  • Act 44 Physical Safety Assessments
  • Conducting Drills and Exercises
  • Crisis/Emergency Team Training
  • Incident Command for Schools

Positive School Climate

  • Act 44 Behavioral Health/Climate Assessments
  • Pennsylvania School Climate Survey support
  • Social and Emotional Learning


CSS can also provide All-Hazards plan development and review, climate and safety assessments, emergency drill and exercise facilitation and review monitoring, and policy review and analysis.

PA BP Network

The Pennsylvania Bullying Prevention Network (PA BP Network) is a statewide professional learning community for bullying prevention consultants who are certified Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) trainers.

PA BP Network seeks to promote research-based practices in bullying prevention and the integration of those practices with other research-based models for improving youth outcomes.

Center for Safe Schools established PA BP Network in 2001 through funding provided by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.


  • Promote best practices in bullying prevention across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through a network of highly qualified trainers.
  • Establish leadership systems and partnerships to advance effective bullying prevention practices statewide for the benefit of children, families, schools and communities.
  • Meet the ongoing certification needs of Olweus trainers in Pennsylvania, through meetings, professional development and online updates.
  • Engage stakeholders in identifying linkages between OBPP and other effective approaches to promoting positive school climate and social and emotional learning.

For information and how to join Pennsylvania Bullying Prevention Network or to find a trainer to conduct OBPP training and implementation, please contact Leah Galkowski, [email protected]or 717-763-1661, ext. 152.

Professional Learning and Trainings

CSS offers onsite and online professional development opportunities including one-time trainings, courses and conferences.

CSS’s diverse, skilled staff hold an extensive array of certifications, expertise and practical knowledge and are highly experienced in school safety, youth violence prevention and education.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Training and Implementation Package

The Olweus (pronounced Ol-VAY-us) Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a comprehensive approach that includes schoolwide, classroom, individual and community components. The program focuses on long-term change to create a safe and positive school climate. It is designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high and high schools (K-12). The program’s goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among students, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors such as vandalism and truancy. OBPP has been implemented in thousands of schools in the United States and more than a dozen countries around the world.

The OBPP Training and Implementation Package includes:

  • Two days of Coordinating Committee training.
  • Two additional days of supportive or related training.
  • 18 to 20 hours of technical assistance and consultation through the process of implementation.

This package is approximately $8,000 and is dependent upon location and travel requirements.

Contact Leah Galkowski for more information and to schedule a training.


Journey to Self-care

Have fun exploring self-care using a strengths-based approach. This interactive session will begin with setting intentions and a brief overview of trauma. Definitions for compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress will be examined. The session will explore terms and definitions through the use of a game-show-style activity. Review the research associated with gratitude. Examine lasting change and how that applies to self-care. Finally, walk away with an outline and concrete steps for a self-care plan.

This session can be presented as a 90-minute workshop, 3-hour, half-day institute, or 5 ½ hour full-day institute.
This presentation is best conducted in person.

Customized Trainings

Trainings can be delivered to individual school building staff, school districts, groups of districts, entire intermediate unit regions, municipalities and community organizations. All CSS trainings offer continuing education credits, as needed.

Sample topics:

  • Swatting 101
  • Behavioral Threat Assessment 101 for educators
  • Emergency Management Skills for educators, admin, or bus drivers
  • Tabletop Exercise Facilitation
  • Understanding Bullying and What We Can Do
  • Let’s Talk Bullying Prevention (for parents)
  • Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Overview
  • Bullying Prevention and SEL: What can I do now?
  • Safe Dates
  • Response to a Student or Staff Death for Schools
  • De-escalation starts at Pre-escalation
  • Why a Debriefing Team Should Be Part of Your Crisis Plan
  • New Adventures in Education and Social-Emotional Learning
  • Compassion Fatigue vs. Compassion Resilience
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid

Third Thursday Digital Learning Series

Third Thursday sessions educate those new to the bullying prevention field and sharpen the skills of those who are experienced in this vital area. Webinars cover essential topics, including student safety and well-being skills, social-emotional wellness, cyberspace, and more. View Third Thursday page for recorded sessions.

Act 26 Requirements

CSS can perform several Act 26 duties including data collection, assisting schools in meeting the requirements of Act 26, and providing resources to educators on a variety of programs and issues.

The Safe Schools Act of 1995 (Act 26) was amended in 1997 (Act 30) to mandate annual reporting of all incidents of violence, weapons, alcohol, drugs and tobacco possession to the Department of Education. Local education agencies also are required to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with local law enforcement agencies and provide for other procedural safeguards to enhance school safety. Another amendment to Act 26 (Act 36 of 1999) empowers schools to acquire the tools and resources needed to develop and enhance safe learning environments.

Gain ongoing access to the school safety supports you need.

When a school crisis hits, you need immediate access to school safety supports from a high-quality, trusted resource. As the school year progresses, you need flexibility to address changing needs.

Subscribe to a Center for Safe Schools Services Bundle as part of your emergency preparedness.

  • Gain peace of mind that you have services readily available in a crisis.
  • Receive access to a dedicated team of professionals who can conduct thorough risk assessments, identify vulnerabilities, and provide customized solutions to mitigate potential threats.
  • Empower school staff with the tools and knowledge needed to respond effectively to emergencies, creating a culture of preparedness.
  • Adjust services throughout the year that best support their current climates and relative safety concerns.

Services include:

  • Virtual and onsite training on topics such as:
    • Custom Tabletop Exercises
    • Situational Awareness
    • Active Assailant
    • Bullying Prevention
    • Trauma-informed Practices
    • Mental Health Awareness
    • Crisis Intervention
    • Suicide Prevention Awareness
    • Self-care Institute
    • Social and Emotional Learning Practices
  • Review and update of school safety documents.
  • Technical assistance.
  • Crisis support, before, during and after an event.
  • Continuous support and guidance to schools as they implement safety measures, conduct drills and refine their security strategies.
  • Grant writing support to help schools identify and apply for grants or other funding opportunities that support safety initiatives and infrastructure improvements.
  • Vetting of safety products and vendors.

Each bundle is designed to cater to different budgetary and security requirements, ensuring that schools can choose the option that best aligns with their specific needs and financial considerations.. Select the annual subscription bundle that works best for your school or organization.

  • Comprehensive School Safety Bundle (Customizable hours)
  • Advanced School Security Solutions Bundle (80 hours) $10,000
  • School Safety Essentials Bundle (40 hours) $5,000

Investing in a Center for Safe Schools subscription bundle for consultation and training services is a prudent and invaluable decision for any educational institution committed to fostering a secure and conducive learning environment. This annual subscription offers a comprehensive array of services tailored to enhance school safety, from expert consultations to specialized training programs. Unique to the subscription, schools are able to adjust services throughout the year that best support their current climates and relative safety concerns.

Contact us with questions